Covid 19

It has been several months since I last posted. One would think that with the shutdown of the US and people being asked to quarantine alone would have given me ample time to write. Well, that hasn’t been the case.

When the Virus came to the United States, it pretty much turned things upside down. Life as we knew it was halted. Some say it will never be like it was. If that’s the case, I hope it is for the better.


Not knowing what the virus was and what it was capable of doing created incertitude. It  was like living in some sort of limbo. I watched and became saturated with the news wanting to be as knowledgeable as I could be. But something had changed. I felt scared. I haven’t been scared in a very log time and not knowing paralyzed me.


I had recently retired from the teaching profession in November, 2019.  I went through many changes. But, for the most part, the biggest change was my mood. I took to the sofa and binged on TV shows. The only time I left the sofa was to get something to eat. The depression was such that I couldn’t get myself to create a simple pair of earrings. It was not the good time I thought I should be experiencing now that I had all this time to create. I sought help.

When the news of the Covid 19 virus hit, I was right smack in the middle of these horrible feelings of desperation, worthlessness, and angst. The virus just made it worse. I could not get myself out of my house. Slowly, the therapy and medication started to work and I managed to go for a drive one day. The streets were eerily empty with only a few cars on the road. Yet, it was a very soothing experience. I took to driving through the neighborhood every day.

More Changes

The therapy I underwent brought more changes along. In fact, mania took over. I once again shut myself in, but I became the busiest little bee you ever did encounter. Every few minutes, I would come up with a new idea that had to be done now. Without realizing, my living room became an art room and I had about six or seven little projects going. At nightfall, I would get my pens and markers and sit back, watch TV, and doodle. I closed myself from everything and everyone. But I was elated.

The one thing I could not get myself to do was make any jewelry. I actually would look at all my goodies and tools and say to them, soon. I couldn’t explain it. I had no feeling toward the stones, and metals, and glass beads, and silver clay… I was numb to them.


I finally began to see the progress of  my therapy and I leveled off. I began to work in wire and created many earrings. As I write, I’m planning on working with PMC. And, of course, I’m writing this post. I feel stronger. I have more vitality and have taken on other projects in the garden and in the house. I have some hope even if Covid is still toying with our lives. I’m resuming my life and desperately holding on to my faith that this too shall pass.

So, How have you been feeling and dealing with the pandemic? I would love to hear!

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Sources: Pictures from Pixabay

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4 thoughts on “Covid 19

  1. Josephine DeJesus says:

    It is important to take care of you and it is admirable that you did just that. Transitions are difficult and don’t let anyone tell you different. It has been difficult for me, as well. Not being able to see my grandchildren and daughters was awful. Retirement is a huge transition. I am glad that you found solace in therapy and are doing better. Take care of yourself.

  2. Annette says:

    Norma.. glad your life is taking shape and are coming to terms and coping with this pandemonium! Just think of that co-teaching 9th period freshman English class! I had reservations about retirement, would I taught longer had Columbus not closed, maybe a year or two
    But frankly YABC, the tutoring
    Compliance of IEP
    And transition linkage was way too much!
    You are so brilliant ,artistic and talented
    Have so many interests … embrace your freedom
    Set yourself free to finally be the best version of yourself and be fluid and create what has been pent up all the years!
    I’ve been creating altered books and unearthed some watercolor landscapes of my adventures!
    Please contact me whenever you need a little encouragement or support!
    Always here in your Literature Circle?

    • Artful Gems says:

      Thank you for your kind words! I’m taking it one day at a time. And yes, I remember that class, that year. I’m glad you are enjoying retirement and finding new things. I plan to settle into retirement and enjoy myself. Hugs.

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